National Honor Society (NHS)

NHS is a chapter of the national organization which recognizes students' outstanding achievements in academics, community service, and leadership.

National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that allows students to show their academic and leadership abilities through helping the community. Students can apply to NHS if  they are 10-12th graders with a 3.5 or higher GPA. If students apply after sophomore year, they must have 10 service hours per semester. NHS has meetings on the first Thursday of every month and they organize many different
fundraisers for different purposes. For example, they recently conducted a drive for hurricane relief in western North Carolina. "We had donation boxes in each pod where students could bring stuff to donate," said Haley, NHS member. For a community service project, members went to Possumwood Acres Wildlife Sanctuary and worked with the habitats and learned about wildlife conservation. So, if you feel you should join NHS and you meet all of the requirements, submit your application in January to apply.

Sponsor - Ms. Bowker
President - Maggie 
Vice President - Tess 
By LHS Student Caroline

Cancelations will be updated by the Sponsor.

Open to: By invitation only

Contact Sponsor for meetings

Point of Contact

Name: Mrs. Bowker

Phone: 910-939-7340

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